The Use of Computer Simulation Program in Urban and Architectural Research

Simulation is a method to describe a system by developing a model of the system and perform a series of trials to estimate the behavior of the system at a certain time. Simulation method is done if the field observation of the research object is not possible. Simulation method does not yield a way to solve the problem directly but only evaluate a few alternative solutions to solving the problem. Along with the development of computer technology, the simulation method also uses computer technology primarily to help calculate a mathematical model. Some researchers in the field urban and architectural research has used simulation methods to solve the existing problems. This is because the object is an object of architecture and urban are very large and complex that it is impossible to conduct an experimental modification to the object of study. Some researchers are using computer simulation method is Satwiko (1998), Jesionek and Bruse (2003), Shasua-Bar, et al (2005), Kusumawanto (2007), Nugroho (2007), and much more.

Groat and Wang, 2002 reminds some factors to be considered in the simulation are:
- Accuracy of the model
- Completeness of data input
- The resemblance to reality
- The cost and workability

Various programs have created a computer simulation model to assist with the research theme of the relationship between architecture / urban micro-climate conditions. The basis of calculations used by the simulation model program were from the empirical, as CTTC Model (Shasua-Bar, Hoffman, 2000) as well as numerical or mathematical calculations, such as CFD, etc. ENVImet. While there is scope in terms of the nature of 2D and 3D. ENVImet is one program that is a 3D simulation.