Definition of Architectural Research

Definition of Architectural Research is the search for new knowledge and new ideas about the built environment. Research can be conducted in a variety of sub disciplines, including building technology, environment-behavior studies, history of architecture and computing technology. (Ahrentzen, Betrabet, Dally Geboy, and Dearborn-Karan, 2001).

Groat and Wang (2002, pp.6-7) repeat this definition that encompasses systematic inquiry and new knowledge, and rightly acknowledge that the development of architecture from earliest times has involved forms of research activity.

Building as physical products of function in a number of independent but interactive ways- they are structural entities, they act as environmental modifiers, they function socially, culturally and economically. Each of these types of function can be analyzed separately but the built form itself unifies and brings them together in such a way that they interact.  Architectural research thus has to be conscious of these interactions across traditionally separate intellectual fields.

Based on these interactions, the scope of architectural research can be divided into three stages:
-          Architectural Processes
-          Architectural Products
-          Architectural Performances